Home Forums NextFEM Designer support forum rSpectrum for Opensees issue

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  • #4086
    Georgios Ntinolazos

    Hello,I am trying to perform a response spectrum analysis based on modal results using the rSpectrum.dll. After the eigenvalue analysis the loadPackage command works as expected but pFactrors sticks at “Initializing…” and closes OpenSees.I have also tried to perform it via sourcing procedure010.tcl but it seems to stop at the same command.I am using ActiveTcl 8.6.9,OpenSees 3.2.1 and your latest dll. I would really apreciate any answer to the problem. Thank you in advance.

    NextFEM Admin

    is the model analysis for the same model running fine?

    Georgios Ntinolazos

    Yes,the problem starts right here.

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    NextFEM Admin

    First of all, you have to use the version of rSpectrum included in NextFEM Designer (seek in the installation folder). The ones provided in the ‘OpenSees tools’ page is not up-to-date.
    If this not solve your problem, please attach model or send it via the form at the bottom of https://www.nextfem.it/it/help-support/

    Georgios Ntinolazos

    Thank you very much for the quick response.

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