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  • #763

    It says “please connect to the internet to check license”. However,the computer is already connected to the internet.
    I tried to delete the file C:\Users\YourUsername\NextFEMoptions.xml and start the program again as administrator.
    It didn’t work, still “please connect to the internet to check license”.
    The vision is V1.05 running on win10, 64bit.

    NextFEM Admin

    Dear Wudi,
    Since you’ve any active license, this behaviour is not correct (the activation server is hosted on nextfem.it, and since you’ve downloaded the software, this server is reachable from your pc).

    We’re working to solve such problem, in the meanwhile you should be able to work with the program by leaving the message window in the background, without pressing ok.


    Once the warning pops out, the program is not able to click or do any operation. Don’t know how to solve it. The internet verification is such a stupid idea for a free software.

    NextFEM Admin

    Internet verification needs to be run to block previous buggy versions.

    Version 1.05 has been repacked, you can now re-download it. Now you can find a log in Start\Run…\ write “{5a176459ebb21c7db04e1d54db71de5ad0d418e61311d8e26be2f946fdfb3764}temp{5a176459ebb21c7db04e1d54db71de5ad0d418e61311d8e26be2f946fdfb3764}\nfLicLog.dat” without quotes and choose to open it with a text editor.
    This is log file of the operations performed during the online check.

    Anyway, you need to be online for the first use of the program.


    Still don’t work
    The log writes as follows:
    09/02/2016 14:39:10 – Designer started
    09/02/2016 14:39:10 – Date has been reset
    09/02/2016 14:39:10 – Date cannot be interpreted
    09/02/2016 14:39:10 – Options deleted 1
    09/02/2016 14:40:33 – Designer started
    09/02/2016 14:40:33 – Date cannot be interpreted
    09/02/2016 14:40:33 – Options deleted 1
    09/02/2016 14:41:06 – Designer started
    09/02/2016 14:41:06 – Date has been reset
    09/02/2016 14:41:06 – Date cannot be interpreted
    09/02/2016 14:41:06 – Options deleted 1

    NextFEM Admin

    Thanks for your freedback. On the case of the reported log, we improved the version 1.05, which has been re-uploaded in our site including a patch to allow your activation.
    After re-download and re-installation, please let us know if it works.


    V1.06 still says “please connect to the internet to check license”. I give up. Finding other software.

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