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  • #893
    Jiri Mares

    Dear all,
    many thanks for great software. I started using it and I found it really cool.
    I created a simple model in oofem and imported in to NextFEM. I am investigating interoperability between these two.
    My question is: Is master-slave DOF principle implemented in NextFEM? All works fine for me apart from examples where I used master-slave DOF’s. Just curious whether this has already been implemented.
    The software looks great. Wish you success and many users.
    best regards

    NextFEM Admin

    Dear Jiri,
    many thanks for your interest and grats on NextFEM Designer. The master-slave relationship is obtained through rigidarmnodes in OOFEM.
    Please remind that not all the files made for OOFEM could be imported in Designer, since we support only a part of the element library and sintax.
    If you encounter any troble with master-slave node models please upload here your model, I’ll be glad to give a hand.

    Jiri Mares

    Many thanks for your quick answer. I may be wrong – I am just learning oofem syntax.
    My ‘A’ shaped structure is formed of two elements. Apex is supposed to be a ‘pin’.
    I introduced 201 node and coupled it with node 20. Seems to be producing results when run oofem from command line – I am getting 0.000014 m vertical (z) deflection of apex but very high number when run from NexFEM. I have not checked analytical results I am just getting discrepancy between these two runs.
    Many thanks again.
    best regards

    The example is here:

    triangle with pinned connection at apex
    LinearStatic nsteps 1 nmodules 0
    domain 3dBeam
    OutputManager tstep_all dofman_all element_all
    ndofman 4 nelem 2 ncrosssect 1 nmat 1 nbc 3 nic 0 nltf 2 nset 2
    node 10 coords 3 0 0 0
    node 20 coords 3 1 0 1
    node 201 coords 3 1 0 1 dofidmask 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 doftype 6 1 1 1 1 0 1 mastermask 6 20 20 20 20 0 20
    node 30 coords 3 2 0 0
    Beam3d 1 nodes 2 10 20 mat 1 crossSect 1 refAngle 0 boundaryLoads 2 3 1
    Beam3d 2 nodes 2 30 201 mat 1 crossSect 1 refAngle 0 boundaryLoads 2 3 2
    SimpleCS 1 area 0.00649 Iy 0.000141 Iz 0.000141 Ik 0.000141 shearareay 0.001298 shearareaz 0.003245 beamShearCoeff 1.e18 thick 0.4 width 0.2
    IsoLE 1 d 0 E 210000000 n 0.3 tAlpha 1.2E-05
    BoundaryCondition 1 loadTimeFunction 1 DOFs 5 1 2 3 4 6 values 5 0 0 0 0 0 set 1
    BoundaryCondition 2 loadTimeFunction 1 DOFs 5 1 2 3 4 6 values 5 0 0 0 0 0 set 2
    ConstantEdgeLoad 3 loadTimeFunction 2 csType 0 Components 1 -10 DOFs 1 3
    #set 3
    ConstantFunction 1 f(t) 1.0
    PiecewiseLinFunction 2 npoints 2 t 2 0.0 1 f(t) 2 0.0 1.0
    set 1 nodes 1 10
    set 2 nodes 1 30

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