Home Forums NextFEM Designer support forum is this software will expires after one year installation?

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    Reading license agreement (attached), it seems the software will expires after one year installation and uses. This clausal also apply for a paid modules in which required to be renewal. So it can be categories as subscription types not a perpetual license. Am I understanding properly or something I miss?

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    may I’m wrong, not really understand the clausal. this is applied for updates and support only.

    NextFEM Admin

    This is applied for updates and support only. Activation will only be checked yearly, that means that there are automatic controls – it does not mean license will expire!


    Thank you for explained, it’s become clearly now. Investing to learn and validates for another software are not easy task and required an effort also, giving away some basic version for free or an affordable paid modules perpetually could be a best choices. These are such a giving valuable feedback to the famous opensource solver and communities itself. Wish NextFEM Designer gain popularity in the future! greetings from Indonesia (Asia)

    NextFEM Admin

    Thanks for your appreciation!

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