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    Chris Vorster


    What do the “position1” and “position2” values mean when adding a beam load via the API? I can’t figure out how to calculate them correctly – not sure what they represent. I would have thought they are start x and end x of the beam length of the load applied, so I tried p1 = 0 and p2 = nfAPI.getMemberLength(xxb), but this does not seem to produce the results that I need. I wanted to place a uniform load along the entire beam.

    Thanks in advance!

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    Chris Vorster

    Just realized the getMemberLength returns 0 always for some reason, also I forgot to add -1 multiplier for first load value. I got it working implementing my own beam length calc, along the lines of:
    tBeam.xlength = Math.Sqrt(((ne.xCoordX – ns.xCoordX) ^ 2) + ((ne.xCoordY – ns.xCoordY) ^ 2) + ((ne.xCoordZ – ns.xCoordZ) ^ 2))

    NextFEM Admin

    the getMemberLength returns 0 because its argument must be a member (see https://www.nextfem.it/api/html/M_NextFEMapi_API_addMember.htm) and has nothing to do with a single beam.

    position1 and position2 are the initial and final position of loading. You can use 0 and nf.getElementProperty(beamID, “lun”).

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