Home Forums NextFEM Designer support forum About Opensees post-processor

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  • #3474
    J Guo

    Dear NextFEM designer,

    When I tested the following example:
    I failed to import Opensees results (see attached pictures).
    The process I did is
    1. Running Opensess ‘frame_ex.tcl’ and get the out file;
    2. In NextFEM, file->import the model (frame_ex.tcl)
    3. In NextFEM, file->import Opensess results (tick the ‘modal results’ checkbox)
    Could you please help me to figure out the reason?
    Is there any requirement for the output file to be imported into NextFEM?

    Thank you and looking forward to your reply.

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    NextFEM Admin

    thanks for your interest in NextFEM Designer. This is an old sample, will be removed – it is working only for running outside the program, you should simply import manually the results via “File\Import OpenSees results”.
    In general, OpenSees script can be imported when having a few simple expressions inside. Also “include” has to be avoided if possible.

    If you set OpenSees as solver, you can input your model directly inside Designer and perform automated analyses, without any additional requirements.

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