| Name | Description |
| activeBarsDiameters |
Get a list of active rebar diameters in the model
| activeHoopsDiameters |
Get a list of active bar diameters for hoops/stirrups
| addBeam |
Add a new beam to the model. Existing results will be deleted.
| addBeamLoad(String, Double, Double, Int32, String, Boolean) |
Add a distributed load on the specified beam
| addBeamLoad(String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, String, Boolean) |
Add a distributed load on the specified beam
| addBeamLoadU |
Add a uniformly distributed load on the specified beam
| addBoxSection |
Add a new beam box section to the model.
| addCircleInSection |
Add a circular figure in the selected section
| addCircSection |
Add a new beam circular section to the model.
| addCSection |
Add a new beam C section to the model.
| addDCSection |
Add a new beam double-C section to the model.
| addDesignMatFromLib |
Add a design material from library
| addDesMaterial |
Add a design material from scratch. Uniaxial type is required (e.g. rebar, FRP, etc.)
| addDLSection |
Add a new beam double L section to the model.
| addDTSection |
Add a new beam double-T section to the model.
| addEC8spectrum |
Add a EC8 spectrum function from given paramters.
| addEdgeLoad |
Add a uniform or linear distributed load on the specified edge of planar element.
| addFillInSection |
Add a filled figure in an already defined beam section
| addFloorPlane |
Add a floor plane load to the model
| addGroup |
Add an empty group to the model
| addHeaderToREST |
Add HTTP header to REST requests. Local API instance is only affected.
| addHoleInSection |
Add and empty figure in an already defined beam section
| addIsoMaterial |
Add an isotropic material from scratch
| addLayeredPlanarSection |
Add a new layered planar section to the model
| addLoadCase |
Add a loacase of a given name to the model
| addLoadCaseToCombination |
Add a loadcase and a factor to an already existing combination, buckling or PDelta analysis
| addLoadCaseToTimeHistoryAnalysis |
Add a loadcase and a factor to an already existing time-history analysis (static or dynamic)
| addLongitRebar |
Add a longitudinal rebar to a member (beam, column or wall)
| addLongitRebarInSection(Int32, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double) |
Add a longitudinal bar to a section
| addLongitRebarInSection(String, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double) |
Add a longitudinal bar to a section
| addLSection |
Add a new beam L section to the model.
| addMatFromLib |
Add a material from library
| addMember |
Add a member in the model
| addMeshedWall |
Add a wall to the model meshed with quad elements
| addNodalDisp |
Add an imposed displacement to the selected node
| addNodalLoad |
Add a nodal load to the model
| addNodalMass |
Add a nodal mass
| addNodalSpring |
Add a spring connected to the ground. Existing results will be deleted.
| addNode |
Add a new node to the model. Existing results will be deleted.
| addNodeWithID |
Add a new node with ID
| addNormalhinge |
Add a beam hinge without NVM interaction, ready to be assigned to elements. To be used typically for beams part of rigid floors
| addNTCspectrum |
Add a NTC 2018 spectrum from given parameters.
| addNVMhinge |
Add a beam hinge with NVM interaction, ready to be assigned to elements. Typically, this is the hinge for columns.
| addObject |
Directly add object to model
| addOmegaSection |
Add a new beam omega or cold-formed C section to the model.
| addOrChangeDesMaterialProperty |
Add or modify a custom property of the selected design material
| addOrChangeMaterialProperty |
Add or modify a custom property of the selected material
| addOrModifyCustomData |
Add a data field into the model
| addPipeSection |
Add a new beam pipe section to the model.
| addPlanarSection |
Add a new planar section to the model
| addQuad |
Add a quad planar element to the model
| addRebarPattern |
Adds rebars by pattern in the selected element.
| addRebarPatternInSection |
Adds rebars by pattern in the selected section.
| addRectangleInSection |
Add a rectangular figure in the selected section
| addRectSection |
Add a new beam rectangular section to the model.
| addSectFromLib(String) |
Add a section from library
| addSectFromLib(String, Boolean) |
Add a section from library
| addSectionByPoints |
Add a section by points. x() and y() are the 1st series of points (filled figure). If a cold-formed section is added, specify optional parameters.
| addSectionCover |
Add a section cover, e.g. for fire checking purposes
| addSectionFromDXF |
Add a section from a DXF file containing polylines. If a cold-formed section is added, specify optional parameters.
| addSeriesFunction |
Add a time series function to the model
| addSineFunction |
Add a sine function to the model. It can be growing or not.
| addSolid |
Add a solid element to the model. Element type is set on the size of the number of nodes
| addSpring |
Add a new 2-node spring to the model. Existing results will be deleted.
| addSpringNLProperty |
Add a non-linear spring property to the model
| addSpringProperty |
Add a spring property to the model
| addSpringsOnOverlappedNodes |
Add springs on selected overlapped nodes.
| addStirrupBars |
Add stirrup bars to a member (beam, column or wall)
| addStirrupBarsInSection |
Add stirrup bars to a section
| addSubsoilNodalSpringsOnElements |
Add nodal subsoil springs in nodes of chosen planar elements.
| addSubsoilZProperty |
Add a subsoil distributed spring in Z direction of the model
| addSurfaceLoad |
Add a uniformly distributed or bi-linear load on the specified face of planar element.
| addThermalDistLoad |
Add thermal loads for strain-only loading in beams and shells
| addTria |
Add a tria planar element to the model
| addTruss |
Add a new truss to the model. Existing results will be deleted.
| addTSection |
Add a new beam T section to the model.
| addVolumeLoad |
Add volume loading for solids
| alignShellXaxis |
Align the x local axis of the selected shell element to the given vector
| AnalyzeFireElement |
Write and run a new model for non-linear thermal analysis of an element section.
| appendDocXformula |
Append and render a formula from LaTeX to an already opened DocX document. By default, this is aligned to center.
| appendDocXimage |
Append image to an already opened DocX document. By default, this is aligned to center.
| appendDocXtext |
Append text to an already opened DocX document
| applyButterworthFilter |
Apply Butterworth filter to the 2-columns input data
| applyEC8lateralForces |
Apply lateral forces to the master nodes of the model. Rigid diaphragms and masses are required.
| assignHinge |
Assign a plastic hinge to a beam
| assignMaterialToElement |
Assign a selected material to the desired element
| assignSectionToElement |
Assign a selected section to the desired element
| assignSubsoilProperty |
Assign a subsoil property to the selected element
| assignToGroup |
Assign nodes and/or elements to a previously defined group
| changeDefSolverType |
Change the system of equation type in standard solver
| changeElementProperty(String, String, Object) |
Change element property
| changeElementProperty(String, String, String) |
Change element property
| changeLoadValue |
Change the load value of i-th load entity
| changeOrAddSectionPoint |
Change or add a point in an already defined section
| changeSolver |
Change the default solver
| changeSpringNLProperty |
Change a non-linear spring property already defined in the model
| changeSpringNLPropertyDof |
Change a non-linear spring property already defined in the model
| changeSpringProperty |
Change a spring property in the model
| checkConnectivity |
Check overlapped beam nodes and anti-clockwise connectivity for all the other elements. The function always tries to correct incorrect elements, hence subsequent checks could be negative.
| checkElement |
Check a single element in a model against results.
| checkElementRatio |
Check a single element in a model against results.
| checkElements |
Check the specified elements in a model against results.
| checkElementsRatio |
Check the specified elements in a model against results.
| checkElementStation |
Check a single station in a model against results.
| checkFreeNodes |
Check free nodes in the model
| checkLineElements |
Check line elements and mesh if necessary.
| checkModel |
Check the entire model model with results.
| checkNode |
Check a single node in a model against results.
| checkNodes |
Check specified nodes in a model against results.
| checkOverlappedElements |
Check overlapped elements in the model
| clearElementCustomProperties |
Clear element custom properties
| clearElementRebar |
Clear all element rebar
| clearSectionRebar(Int32) |
Clear all section rebar
| clearSectionRebar(String) |
Clear all section rebar
| clearSelection |
Clear selected items. REST version only against local instance of NextFEM Designer
| clearStoredDomains |
Clear stored resisting domains
| colorizeModel |
Colorize with random colors all the elements
| comm |
Raw commands to REST API server. Valid only after connect() command.
| compileDocX |
Compile the open document for keyword substitution
| connect |
Connect to REST API server
| convertToMeshedSection |
Convert an existing section to a new tria-meshed section. Remember to re-assign the new section to elements with assignSectionToElement
| convertUnits |
Convert model and results to the specified new units.
| convertValue |
Convert units of a value.
| createDocX |
Create a DocX file with the desired text
| CustomLicense |
Check if a license key is available
| defaultColors |
Revert to default colors
| deleteChecks |
Delete the stored checks.
| deleteGroup |
Remove the specified group from model
| deleteResults |
Delete the stored results.
| disconnect |
Disconnect from server and reattach to local model. Valid only after connect() command.
| divideHexa |
Divide an existing Hexa element
| divideLine |
Divide existing Line elements
| divideLineByNodes |
Divide existing Line elements by nodes
| divideQuad |
Divide an existing Quad element
| divideWedge |
Divide an existing Wedge element along its extrusion direction
| duplicateSection |
Duplicate the selected section
| emptyPlot |
Empty plot for mask initialization
| exportGLTF |
Export the model to glTF format for web sharing.
| exportIFC |
Export IFC file
| exportIOM |
Export model to IDEA StatiCa Open Model format
| exportMidas |
Export model in MGT format for Midas GEN
| exportOpenSees |
Export model in OpenSees TCL format for a chosen loadcase
| exportRCbeamsDXF |
Export the selected RC beam to DXF format. Rebars and hoops will be inserted in DXF, if present
| exportRCmemberDXF |
Export the selected RC member to DXF format. Rebars and hoops will be inserted in DXF, if present
| exportSAP2000 |
Export model in S2K format for SAP2000
| exportSectionDXF |
Export the selected section to DXF format. Rebars and hoops are included, if present
| exportWexBIM |
Export the model to WexBIM format for web sharing.
| exportXMLresults |
Export results in XML format
| functionFromFile |
Load a function from text file.
| generateFrame |
Generate a spatial frame of desired characteristics
| generateLoadCombinations |
Generate load combinations as per EC1. General Design license is needed to run.
| getAlignedNodes |
Return nodes aligned with the given two as input
| getAnalysisTimeSteps |
Get a list of analysis time steps for the specified loadcase
| getAreaByNodes |
Get area from the selected nodes
| getBC |
Get restraints of a single node
| getBeamDeflection |
Get beam deflection for the selected element, loadcase, time and station
| getBeamDeflections |
Get the beam deflections for the selected number of stations along beam
| getBeamForce |
Get beam force for the selected element, loadcase, time and station
| getBeamForce2 |
Get beam force for the selected element, loadcase, time and absissa
| getBeamForces |
Get all the beam forces for the selected element, loadcase, time and station
| getBeamForcesAtNode |
Get all the forces for the selected element at the specified node (beam end), loadcase, time and station
| getBeamForcesDiagram |
Get the beam diagrams values for the selected number of stations along beam
| getBeamResMoments |
Get the beam resisting moments for each direction of a beam
| getBeamResShear |
Get the beam resisting shear for each direction of a beam.
WARNING: This is possible only against results of a given loadcase for the element, otherwise a set of zero forces are given and results would not be accurate
| getBuiltInChecking |
Get available checking scripts.
| getCheckNameByMaterial |
Get checking-set name from the built-in list
| getCombinationCoeffPsi |
Get the current psi combination coefficient
| getCombinationDesignType |
Returns an integer representing the combination type
| getCombinationsByDesignType |
Get an array of linear add combinations of the selected design type
| getConnectedElements |
Get all the elements connected to the specified node
| getControlNode |
Return the ID of the higher central node.
| getCornerNodes |
Return the corner nodes in a list of nodes
| getCustomData |
Get custom data stored in the model.
| getDataPlot |
Get plot of the given user data
| getDefinedDesignMaterials |
Return a list of used design material IDs
| getDefinedMaterials |
Return a list of used material IDs
| getDefinedSections |
Return a list of used section IDs
| getDesignMaterialProperty |
Return selected property from a design material
| getDesignMaterialsLibrary(String, Int32) |
Return an array of string containing design material names from built-in library.
| getDesignMaterialsLibrary(String, String, Int32) |
Return an array of string containing design material names from built-in library.
| getElementArea |
Get element area of planar elemnts or surface for solids
| getElementCentroid |
Return the coordinates of the centroid of the selected element
| getElementChecks |
Get the checks stored in the model for the specified element
| getElementConnectivity |
Return the connectivity of the specified element.
| getElementCustomProperty |
Get an already defined element custom property
| getElementInfo |
Get text with element properties
| getElementOffset |
Get the element offset for selected beam element
| getElementProperty |
Return selected property of element
| getElementRebarSegments |
Get rebar segments with their initial and final position, in percentage of element length
| getElementsChecks |
Get the checks stored in the model for elements
| getElementsChecksByMat |
Get the checks stored in the model for the selected material type
| getElementsFromGroup |
Get elements from group
| getElementType |
Get element type: unk = 0,line = 1,tria = 2,quad = 3,hexa = 4,wedge = 5,tetra = 6,user = 10,line3 = 20,quad8 = 21,hexa16 = 22,hexa20 = 23,tetra10 = 24,tria6 = 25,wedge15 = 26,spring2nodes = 40
| getElementVolume |
Get element volume for solids
| getEndRelease |
Give beam releases ratios. If 0, the dof is completely released.
| getEnvelopeCombination |
Return a check object with loadcases and corresponding factors for desired envelope load combination.
| getExtrudedBeamPoints |
Get points from the extruded beam section in 3D space
| getFirstMode |
Get from results or estimate the first period of the structure. If no results are available, relationship as per EC8 4.6 is used.
| getFloorLoadType |
Get a string describing the selected floor load type
| getFloorPlanes |
Return a list of defined floor planes
| getForceUnit |
Get the unit for force in the model
| getFreeElementID |
Get the next free element ID
| getFreeNodeID |
Get the next free node ID
| getFunctionGeneralData |
Get custom data stored in the selected function
| getFunctionName |
Get name of the selected function
| getFunctionPlot |
Get plot of the selected function
| getFunctions |
Get a list of IDs of already defined functions
| getFunctionUnits |
Get units of the selected function (Y values)
| getGreekLetter |
Return the corresponding letter from Greek alphabet
| getGroups |
Get all groups in the model
| getLanguage |
Get language code (eg. "en" for English)
| getLastBilinearMomentCurvature |
Get bilinearized moment-curvature of the last section calculated in getSectMomentCurvature
| getLastMomentCurvatureData |
Get last moment-curvature extended data for the last section calculated in getSectMomentCurvature
| getLastRunLog |
Get log for the last run analysis
| getLastSectionRes3DDomainPoints |
Get list of 3D points for plotting 3D resisting domain of the last computed section
| getLenUnit |
Get the unit for length in the model
| getLinearAddCombination |
Return a check object with loadcases and corresponding factors for desired load combination.
| getLoad |
Returns a string describing of the i-th load in the model.
| getLoadA |
Returns an array of strings describing of the i-th load in the model (ID,Node,Element,Direction,Load value,Load case)
| getLoadcaseFactor |
Get load factor for the function associated to the selected loadcase
| getLoadCases |
Get the names of loadcases set in the model.
| getLoadCombinations |
Get the names of load combinations set in the model.
| getLoadDurationClass |
Returns the load duration class for the requested loadcase
| getLoadingData |
Retrieve custom data about wind, snow and other custom loading
| getLoadsForElement |
Produces a list of load IDs for a single element.
| getLoadsForNode |
Produces a list of load IDs for a single node.
| getLoadsInLoadcase |
Produces a list of load IDs for a single loadcase.
| getLocalAxes |
Return local axes of an element as API.vert3
| getLocalAxesArray |
Return local axes of an element as array of double {x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3}
| getMachineData |
Get data of the hosting server
| getMacroelement |
Get the macroelement type assigned to the selected element
| getMaterialProperty |
Return selected property from a material
| getMaterialsLibrary(String, Int32) |
Return an array of string containing material names from built-in library.
| getMaterialsLibrary(String, String, Int32) |
Return an array of string containing material names from built-in library.
| getMaxMinBeamForces |
Get maximum and minimum beam forces from elements having the same section, in all loadcases and all stations
| getMaxMinNodeDispl |
Get maximum and minimum nodal displacement from all nodal results.
| getMaxMinWoodArmerMoments(Int32) |
Get maximum and minimun Wood-Armer moments from elements in the same group of the selected element
| getMaxMinWoodArmerMoments(String) |
Get maximum and minimun Wood-Armer moments from elements in the same group of the selected element
| getMemberElements |
Get the IDs of beam elements grouped in a member.
| getMemberLength |
Get member length
| getMembers |
Get a list of members defined in the model
| getModalPeriod |
Get a modal period of the structure or the buckling factor
| getModes |
Get the number of available modes in results
| getNodalDisp |
Get nodal displacement from the selected loadcase and time
| getNodalReact |
Get nodal reaction from the selected loadcase and time
| getNodalShellForce |
Get nodal shell forces from nodes connected to shell elements
| getNodalStress |
Get stress from node
| getNodeChecks |
Get the checks stored in the model for the specified node
| getNodeCoordinates |
Returns node coordinates as double array
| getNodeInfo |
Get text with node properties
| getNodePosition |
Returns node position as vert3 object
| getNodeProperty |
Return selected property of node
| getNodesChecks |
Get the checks stored in the model for nodes
| getNodesFromCoords |
Get nodes having the specified coordinates
| getNodesFromGroup |
Get nodes from group
| getNodesOnSides |
Get nodes on borders of the selected rectangular shell region
| getOSprocedureName |
Return the NextFEM procedure file for OpenSees, without .tcl extension
| getParticipatingMassesRatios |
Get ratios of participating masses from modal or response spectrum analysis
| getParticipationFactors |
Get participation factors from modal or response spectrum analysis
| getReinfPropertiesNTC |
Get design data for FRP/FRCM strips as per CNR DT 200 Italian code
| getResultHistory |
Get result history for the selected quantity
| getRigidDiaphragms |
Gives the list of master nodes in rigid diaphragms
| getRigidOffsets |
Get beam end offset length ratios, or and array of 0 if no end offset is present
| getSectionColor |
Get the color of the selected section in RGB format
| getSectionCutForce |
Get section cut force for the selected section cut, loadcase, time and DoF
| getSectionFigure |
Get points in Z-Y plane from a section figure. Typically, index 1 contains the first (filled) figure.
| getSectionOffset |
Get the section offset for selected beam element
| getSectionProperties |
Get all properties of a section
| getSectionProperty |
Get selected property of a section
| getSectionRebarCoords |
Get rebar coordinates from selected section
| getSectionResDomainPoints |
Get list of points for plotting resisting domain of already computed sections
| getSectionResMoments(String, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Double) |
Get flexural strength of a beam station by calculating neutral axis
| getSectionResMoments(String, String, Int32, Double, Double, Double) |
Get flexural strength of a section by calculating neutral axis
| getSectionResMoments2 |
Get flexural strength of a section by calculating neutral axis. Material must be set as section property, see setSectionMaterial.
| getSectionResMoments3 |
Get flexural strength of a section by calculating neutral axis. Material must be set as section property, see setSectionMaterial.
| getSectionResMoments4 |
Get and plot in a ZedGraph control the flexural strength of a section by calculating neutral axis. Material must be set as section property, see setSectionMaterial.
| getSectionResShear(Int32, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Get section shear resistance by automatically selecting checking rules for section material
| getSectionResShear(Int32, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Get section shear resistance
| getSectionResShearDict |
Get section shear resistance
| getSectionsLibrary(String) |
Return an array of string containing section names from built-in library.
| getSectionsLibrary(String, String) |
Return an array of string containing section names from built-in library.
| getSectMomentCurvature |
Get moment-curvature diagram for the selected section
| getSeparator |
Returns separator used by the program
| getShearResFromDict(DictionaryString, Decimal) |
Get section shear resistance from an already performed checking given in a dictionary of string, decimal
| getShearResFromDict(DictionaryString, Double) |
Get section shear resistance from an already performed checking given in a dictionary of string, double
| getShellEndRelease |
Give shell releases
| getSoilPressureAtNode |
Return the soil pressure (positive if compression on soil) in Z global direction
| getSpringLocalAxes |
Get local axes of a spring element
| getSubsoilElements |
Get a list of elements having subsoil springs
| getTimePeriods |
Returns time/period values in results for the desired loadcase
| getUsername |
Return local instance username
| getVersion |
Get API version
| getWallGroups |
Return all the groups than can be associated to a wall
| getWallHeight |
Gives the height of a specified wall
| getWalls |
Return all the wall elements by their number
| getWallSection |
Gives the dimensions (thickness and width) of a specified wall
| hasResults |
Flag indicating if model has results
| importAbaqusCalculix |
Import ABAQUS/CalculiX model
| importDolmen |
Import a CDM Dolmen model
| importDXF(Stream) |
Import DXF from stream
| importDXF(String) |
Import DXF file
| importIFC |
Import IFC file
| importMidas(String) |
Import a Midas GEN/Civil model in text format
| importMidas(String) |
Import a Midas GEN/Civil model in text format
| importMidasResults(String) |
Read results from Midas GEN/Civil tables, copied to a text file
| importMidasResults(String) |
Read results from Midas GEN/Civil tables, copied to a text file
| importOpenSees |
Import OpenSees model in TCL format
| importOpenSeesRecorder |
Import an OpenSees recorder text file. XML is also supported.
| importSAF |
Import structural model in SAF file
| importSAP2000 |
Import a SAP2000 model in text format
| importSeismoStruct |
Import a SeismoStruct XML model
| importSismicad |
Import a Sismicad model. Consider to call importSismicadSects_Combo to read sections and combinations before calling this function.
| importSismicadSects_Combo(String) |
Read section definitions and combinations from Sismicad tables, in TXT format
| importSismicadSects_Combo(String) |
Read section definitions and combinations from Sismicad tables, in TXT format
| importSofistik |
Import a Sofistik model from database
| importSR3 |
Import a OpenSargon model in binary format
| importSR4 |
Import a OpenSargon model in text format
| importStraus7 |
Import a Straus7 model in text format
| importStrausResults(String) |
Read results from Straus7 tables, copied to a text file
| importStrausResults(String) |
Read results from Straus7 tables, copied to a text file
| importWinStrand |
Import a EnExSys WinStrand model in XML format
| is64bit |
Check if running program is at 64bit
| isColumn |
Check if a beam element is vertical or not
| isNodeLoaded |
Tell if the node is loaded or not
| isRestrained |
Tell if the node is restrained or not
| LangTrasl |
Return a translation of the input string depending on the current locale.
| LaunchLoadCase |
Launch a single loadcase calculation, not waiting for finishing
| LaunchModel |
Launch entire model calculation, not waiting for finishing
| listDesignMaterialCustomProperty |
Get a list of the custom properties stored in the selected design material
| listMaterialCustomProperty |
Get a list of the custom properties stored in the selected material
| LoadCaseFromCombo |
Generates a load-case from a linear add combination.
| mergeImportedLines |
Merge selected Line elements with imported results
| mergeLines |
Merge selected Line elements
| mergeModelData |
Merge a new model to the existing one
| mergeModelResults |
Merge a new set of results to the existing ones
| mergeOverlappedNodes |
Merge overlapped nodes in the model
| meshAreaTria |
Mesh a planar area with triangular or quadrilateral elements
| meshAreaTriaMulti |
Mesh planar areas with triangular or quadrilateral elements. This function has to be used when defined more than one hole per meshed region.
| meshQuad2Wall |
Mesh and group into wall a single quad element.
| ModelToSection |
Write a section from a thermal model made with planar elements
| moveNodes |
Move nodes
| newModel |
Clear model
| openIDEAcodeCheck |
Open IDEA Code Check Manager, if installed. Only for local instance of NextFEM Designer
| openModel |
Open the specified NXF or XML model
| plotElemSectionWithBars |
Plot section with rebars from element in a ZedGraph control
| plotFireSectionWithBars |
Plot fire section after a thermal analysis. To be used only with meshed sections
| plotSectionWithBars |
Plot section with rebars defined in a ZedGraph control
| quad2tria |
Transform a quad element into 2 tria elements
| readBeamForces |
Add a beam forces set to results.
| recalculateSection |
Recalculate section properties, if needed
| refreshDesignerView |
Refresh view of the remote connected instance of NextFEM Designer. Valid only after connect() command.
| refreshHinges |
Recalculate all hinges assigned in the model. Useful after modification of material or section.
| removeAllLoads |
Removes all the loads in the model
| removeAllLoadsForLoadcase |
Removes all the loads in the model for the selected loadcase
| removeBC |
Remove boundary condition for a node
| removeCompositeFlags |
Remove flags for composite section
| removeCustomData |
Remove a custom data field from the model
| removeDesMaterialProperty |
Remove a custom property from the selected design material
| removeElement |
Remove the specified element from the model
| removeElementsFromMember |
Remove the specified elements from a member
| removeFloorLoad |
Remove the specified floor load type
| removeFloorPlane |
Remove a floor plane specified by its name
| removeFreeNodes |
Find and remove free nodes in the model
| removeHinges |
Remove all hinges from a beam element
| removeLink |
Removes a rigid link from the model.
| removeLoad |
Removes the specified load.
| removeLoadCase |
Remove the specified loacase
| removeLoadCaseFromCombination |
Remove loadcase and factor from an already existing combination, buckling or PDelta analysis
| removeLoadCaseToTimeHistoryAnalysis |
Remove loadcase and factor to an already existing time-history analysis
| removeMaterial |
Remove the selected material
| removeMaterialProperty |
Remove a custom property from the selected material
| removeMember |
Remove a member from the model
| removeNodalMass |
Remove all masses defined in a node
| removeNode |
Remove the node with the specified ID from the model
| removeNodeCS |
Remove a previously defined Local Coordinate System from a node.
| removeOverlappedElements |
Find and remove overlapped elements in the model, handling members and groups
| removeRigidDiaphragms |
Remove all the rigid floor constraints in the model.
| removeSection |
Remove the selected section
| removeSectionCover |
Remove section cover
| removeSectionFigure |
Remove a figure from the selected section
| removeSectionProperty |
Revert a previously custom section property to automatic evaluation
| removeSpringProperty |
Remove a linear or non-linear spring property
| renameSection |
Assign name to an already defined section
| renumberElements |
Renumber elements in the model
| renumberElementsByCoordinates |
Renumber elements in the model with spatial criteria, using element centroid
| renumberNodes |
Renumber nodes in the model
| renumberNodesByCoordinates |
Renumber nodes in the model with spatial criteria
| requestDesignerUndo |
Request undo to remote connected instance of NextFEM Designer. Valid only after connect() command.
| rotateNodes |
Rotate nodes by moving them
| RunLoadCase |
Run a single loadcase
| RunModel |
Run entire model
| saveDocX |
Save the current DocX document to a file
| saveModel |
Save the model and results with desired name
| saveOptions |
Save program options, including solver preferences, tolerances, etc.
| saveRemote |
Save remote model in NextFEM API server
| saveSectionImage |
Save section plot into a Png image
| saveSectionImageWithBars |
Save a plot of an element section with rebar, if any, into a Png image
| scaleNodes |
Scale nodes
| SectionToModel |
Write model of a section, meshed with Tria elements, typically for thermal analysis
| seriesFromFunction |
Get the series of the selected function
| setAluSection |
Set aluminium checking parameters for section
| setAnalysisSequence |
Set the loadcases calculation order by specifying the preceding case.
| setBC |
Set the boundary conditions (restraints) for a node
| setBeamAngle |
Set the rotation angle of the specified beam.
| setBucklingAnalysis |
Set a buckling analysis from an existing loadcase, if it doesn't contain loads, use addLoadCaseToCombination to add the load contained in other loadcases.
| setCombination |
Set a linear add combination from an existing loadcase. It can be called multiple times.
| setCombinationCoeffPsi |
Set the psi combination coefficient to the desired value
| setCombinationFactors |
Set or change combination factors
| setCompositeBeam |
Set composite section beam properties
| setCompositeColumn |
Set composite section column properties
| setConcretePropertiesNTC |
Assign a custom compressive strength to a concrete material, recalculating E and ftk as per NTC code
| setConstraint |
Set a general constraint between 2 nodes
| setElemAsJoint |
Set the Joint property of the specified element.
| setElementChecks |
Import a set of checks for the specified element. If already existing, the set is overwritten.
| setElementCustomProperty |
Set or change an element custom property
| setElementOffset |
Set element line offset for the selected beam element
| setElementSection |
Assign a section to an element. An alternative to assignSectionToElement
| setEndRelease |
Assign an end release to a beam element by specifying its force percentage or joint stiffness.
| setEnvelope |
Set an envelope combination from an existing loadcase. It can be called multiple times.
| setFiberSection |
Make the selected section a fiber section. Suitable only for OpenSees solver.
| setFirePoint |
Set the point of fire used to set temperatures of all the elements in the model
| setFloorLoad |
Add or modify floor load type
| setFunctionGeneralData |
Set custom data stored in the selected function
| setLanguage |
Set language code
| setLoadA |
Modify an existing load through an array, conforming to the one got via getLoadA
| setLoadcaseFactor |
Change load factor for the function associated to the selected loadcase
| setLoadCasePhaseInCombination |
Set the phase to a loadcase in an already existing combination, for analysis
| setLoadCaseType |
Set loadcase type for combinations
| setLoadDurationClass |
Set the load duration class for the selected loadcase
| setLoadsToMass |
Add, modify or remove a load-to-mass setting.
| setMacroelement |
Assign macroelement type to the selected element
| setModalAnalysis |
Set a modal analysis upon an existing load case
| setNLDanalysis |
Set a non linear dynamic analysis upon an existing load case
| setNLSanalysis |
Set a non linear static analysis upon an existing load case
| setNodeAsJoint |
Set the Joint property of the specified node.
| setNodeChecks |
Import a set of checks for the specified node. If already existing, the set is overwritten.
| setNodeCoordinates |
Set node coordinates as double array
| setNodeCS |
Set the Local Coordinate System of a node by specifying the first 2 vectors.
| setNodePosition |
Set or change node position as vert3 object
| setPDeltaAnalysis |
Set a PDelta analysis from an existing loadcase, if it doesn't contain loads, use addLoadCaseToCombination to add the load contained in other loadcases.
| setResponseSpectrumAnalysis |
Set a Response Spectrum analysis on an existing loadcase
| setRigidDiaphragms |
Set rigid diaphragms for all model. Floors heigths are taken automatically, restrained floors are skipped.
| setRigidLink |
Set a rigid link between two nodes.
| setRigidOffsets |
Assign rigid offsets to beam.
| setSectionAngle |
Set the rotation angle for a beam section.
| setSectionColor |
Set the color of the selected section in RGB format
| setSectionMaterial |
Set the material as section property
| setSectionOffset |
Set a section offset for the selected beam section
| setSectionProperty |
Set selected property of a section
| setSectionRebarsToElements(Int32) |
Assign section rebars and stirrups in elements having the same section
| setSectionRebarsToElements(String) |
Assign section rebars and stirrups in elements having the same section
| setSeismicFloorEccentricity |
Compute floor torque moments for accounting 5% eccentricity for center of mass of each rigid floor. Rigid diaphragms and masses are required.
| setSeismicLoadcaseForCombos |
Set the seismic loadcase for directional combinations (e.g. response spectrum). Repeat the command for other directions.
| setSelfWeight |
Set the loadcase hosting the automatic self-weight
| setSelfWeightDirection |
Set the self-weight direction in space
| setShearReinfRCdata |
Set or overwrite material data for shear reinforcement with tension-fragile design material in RC section. Set Shear strip width less than or equal to 0 to remove data
| setShellEndRelease |
Set end release for shell element
| setSpringLocalAxes |
Set local axes in the selected spring property
| setSRSScombination |
Set a linear add combination from an existing loadcase. It can be called multiple times.
| setSteelSection |
Set steel checking parameters for section
| setUnits |
Set units in the model
| setWall |
Create a wall for design, including 3 section cuts, from the selected planar elements
| showViewport |
Open the viewport showing the model in path. REST version only against local instance of NextFEM Designer
| startDesigner(String, Boolean) |
Starts NextFEM Designer
| startDesigner(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Starts NextFEM Designer
| valueFromFunction |
Get the value of the selected function corresponding to the desired abscissa
| valueFromString |
Get value from a string containing key=value
| vertexFromNode |
Get vertex from node for calculation with vert3 class.